Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant vs. VMeDx

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Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant

dragon medical virtual assistantThe medical world in the modern era is rapidly changing and ever-evolving. The industry has seen a rise in advancements and innovations that make the lives of doctors and other healthcare providers easier. The healthcare industry is seeing massive changes and growth, from technologically powered applications to human additions to the workforce.

There are software that are capable of operating around the clock. Unlike humans, they cannot feel tired and can work around the clock. Real human virtual assistants are more efficient than they are, but what they lack in efficiency, they make up for in specialization. Many applications today have specialized functions. Dragon Medical One, for example, is a documentation software that emulates the capabilities of a scribe.

On the other hand, medical virtual assistants are integrated into the healthcare workforce. These workers are capable of handling multiple administrative tasks so that doctors can focus better on their clinical work. Virtual assistants can do everything from taking phone calls to being medical scribes for doctors and healthcare practitioners. They do everything any software and application can do and more.

Overview and Features of Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant

Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant is a medical documentation software. Its AI-powered speech recognition allows it to transcribe sentences dictated to it and follow a few verbal commands. Here are some of the features of the Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant.

Chart search

chart searchThe Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant can follow a Chart Search command. This means you can dictate it to find a specific text or blocks from an entire chart. This allows you to highlight specific areas from your documentation, edit it, or remove it altogether.

Clinical documentation and medical scribing

Instead of manually typing clinical data using a keyboard, you can speak into your device and have the software transcribe the information. It functions like an automated medical scribe.

Inclusion of jargon and abbreviation

You can manually set specific jargon, sentences, abbreviations, and hard names to spell so that the device can more easily recognize them the next time you dictate them.

Windows commands

The Dragon Medical Assistant is connected and is compatible with Windows devices. That being said, you can use your Dragon device to perform Windows actions through voice commands.

Cloud-based software

The Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant is completely cloud-based. It can seamlessly integrate into existing workflows so that documentation and daily tasks remain consistent and undisturbed.

The cloud-based nature of the device also allows it to handle or be integrated into multiple devices at once. It can be used using a desktop or laptop in one instance and then controlled by your smartphone in the next.

Automatic updates

Performing a device’s update manually can be a grueling task. This is counterintuitive with the Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant One’s goal to increase your efficiency and productivity. The device can do automatic updates whenever available and is not currently being used.

Updates for this software ensure the device continues to run smoothly, saving you time in the long run.

Is It Enough To Have An AI-Powered Virtual Assistant?

ai virtual assistantThis is a dilemma many medical practitioners ponder regularly. On one hand, it seems better for cost and longevity to simply acquire an application or software that can work for you rather than hiring a human virtual assistant. On the other hand, these applications are less capable and reliable than humans.

There are many tasks an application or software can do that a human can do just as well. Inversely, there are things a human can do perfectly that an AI-powered software won’t be able to replicate. An application can be good for one thing. A human assistant is suitable for many things.

With that said, it is far from enough to have an AI-powered virtual assistant only. Humans have many abilities that make them more integral components in your practice. Human training and experience are more valuable than machine learning algorithms.

Human Virtual Assistant Capabilities

human virtual assistantWhile the Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant can have its uses, a knowledgeable virtual assistant is human. Highly trained and experienced virtual assistants are irreplaceable. At this point, no AI-powered software can replicate the multifaceted nature of a human medical virtual assistant.

The Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant is capable of doing medical scribing. It can even be very good at that. However, its capabilities are limited. On the other hand, a human virtual assistant is capable of that, too, and so much more.

Here are the benefits of working with a human virtual assistant instead of medical software.

Better intuition

Human virtual assistants have better intuition compared to AI solutions. Unlike software or any other application, humans can assess a situation or a task and reach the desired results despite receiving limited information.

As a doctor, you may need more time to provide proper instructions or education to a virtual assistant. However, as long as they are trained and experienced, a human virtual assistant can do a task properly using context clues and prior experience.

When scribing, a human can also easily make out jargon, medical terms, and possible mispronunciations. Their training and experience give them virtual assistant capabilities AI cannot match. They are able to create accurate clinical notes leagues better than any documentation software like Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant.

Can carry out multiple administrative and clinical tasks

Humans are adept multitaskers. They can handle administrative and clinical tasks assigned to them, even when they are given many at once. Human virtual medical assistants can take phone calls, manage messaging apps, oversee a patient visit, and so much more all in one day.

This is a beneficial trait, especially when deadlines are coming up and multiple tasks must be completed on a specific date. You can trust your medical assistant to meet your deadlines even if they must do various tasks simultaneously. Part of their training is to be able to complete work while multitasking.

Empathy in communication

empathy in communicationEmpathy is an essential trait when working in the medical field. An intelligent virtual assistant is aware of this. It is a trait many medical assistants hone actively to handle a doctor’s clients, customers, and patients with care.

When a virtual medical assistant communicates with a patient through voice and digital channels, they will ensure they feel heard and valued. This is one voice assistant skill they hone before joining a doctor’s clinic. On top of that, they are also empathetic to doctors and other medical practitioners. That said, no matter their tasks, they understand the need and urgency.

The matter of morale

A human virtual assistant is way better for office morale than software. While an application or any software can do well for the office in its early days, in the long haul, having an actual human work with you and your other subordinates creates better workplace morale.

The other people who work for you are more appreciative when a human is added to a workforce rather than an application. Software and AI solutions have their place in the workplace, of course, but treating them as human substitutes can lead to long-term unease and distrust. If you value your employee turnover percentage, love the human workforce.

Understanding of off-work matters

assist off work mattersWhile you hire medical virtual assistants to help you in clinical matters and overall patient care, they can also assist you in off-work matters. For example, a virtual medical assistant can handle reservations, off-work scheduling, and more.

Your medical virtual assistant aims to enhance your overall work-life balance. They do this by completing the tasks assigned to them in the clinic and other matters in their personal lives. Ask, and they will deliver. They are understanding of these matters because it is something they experience in their lives as well, to some degree.


Medical virtual assistants are trained to be flexible and adaptable. They know the medical industry’s propensity to advancements and changes. That said, whatever changes happen in practice, regulation, or technology, a medical virtual assistant can adjust without issues or compromising productivity.

This is one problem with software and applications. While they’re good for their function and design, they could be more varied and flexible. On the other hand, a human can adjust to your needs.

HIPAA Compliance

Compliance with HIPAA regulations is of paramount importance in the healthcare industry. Security and considerations need to be taken when one handles electronic health records. This is something software will only be able to understand partially. This can be bypassed effortlessly, whereas humans will be more conscious of these regulations.

When a virtual medical assistant presents third-party content to EHR partners to gather or deliver information, they will take proper and careful measures to ensure no data is unnecessarily compromised.


Another benefit to hiring a human virtual assistant is their very conscious productivity. A software or application can send alerts and notifications, but a mortal reminder is a better productivity motivator. They know their productivity and can also function as productivity liaisons for the entire clinic.

This is one of the benefits you can bring to your office when you hire a human virtual medical assistant. Everything will work well, work faster, and work as intended. Your tasks will be done on time, and your other workers will be encouraged to work correctly and on time.

Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant vs. VMeDx Virtual Assistants

dragon medical va vs vmedxIt is no secret that AI solutions and software are becoming incredibly advanced and helpful in the medical field. However, how does this technological advent fare against human medical assistants? Does the power of an AI-powered machine and its machine learning algorithms provide better services for doctors as opposed to the real-life skills of a trained and experienced virtual assistant?

In reality, no. As unfortunate as it may be, AI still has a long way to go before it can replace the actual capabilities of a human. VMeDX virtual assistants are great examples of this. Here are a couple of reasons for that.

Human error is better than machine error.

Humans make mistakes from time to time, yes, but human intuition and experience-based decision-making allow us to create better and faster solutions. An AI voice assistant, on the other hand, needs to make better decisions. It follows its code and data, which may be wrong occasionally, but the AI itself needs to know that it is terrible because it is simply following its code.

This is true for clinical documentation software and AI virtual assistants. It will not be 100% accurate, and it will not know why it is making the mistake it is making. It may emulate a human-like touch, but it is nothing compared to the actual touch of a human when it comes to correcting mistakes.

Medical virtual assistants react accordingly to mispronunciation and abbreviation.

When you ask an actual medical virtual assistant with scribing instead of an AI voice assistant, it will not be necessary for you to correct mispronunciations manually. You won’t have to input abbreviations either manually. Virtual assistants are trained for these and know jargon, terminologies, and abbreviations to input your words correctly.

This is one of the many downsides of using AI software. It feels like working with an actual human, but it’s nothing compared to the real thing. AI does not respond correctly to real-world situations like humans do. Deep terminology and specialized phrases are only understood by real humans who are experienced and trained in the field.

Humans are better at following commands.

While the software has native application actions, nothing beats humans when correctly performing tasks. With our current technology, giving commands to an AI-powered application still feels finicky. Oftentimes, it needs to follow commands more accurately or precisely. Say one word, or even one syllable, wrong, and a clinical documentation software will input “death” instead of “breath.”

Humans have the intuition to know what is being asked of them. They can be given the wrong information but arrive at the correct conclusion when they factor in context clues and experience.

Software is specialized, while a human VA is multifaceted.

You spend a lot of money to pay for software that only does one part of the job a VA does. Clinical documentation software is good for one thing, but it only serves one specific purpose. On the other hand, a human virtual assistant can do this job and so much more.

A human virtual assistant can scribe, complete administrative tasks, answer customers’ questions, gather information, and deliver results all in one day. Humans are better for business because they cover so much ground for you.

Downtime management

downtime managementIt’s a myth that software and applications have zero downtime. In reality, these applications can have frequent downtimes. This is especially true for those that require constant updates and are cloud-based. Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant One happens to be one of these applications.

Humans, on the other hand, can have days off and sick leaves. However, these downtimes are more foreseeable and better managed. Leaves are handled according to your schedule. This is a manageable setback. On the other hand, application downtimes are unpredictable, destructive, and harmful to your productivity.


The advent of the medical field’s integration of process automation solutions and conversational AI solution devices is a luxury. It is effective at its purpose but less essential than a human virtual assistant. Medical virtual assistants are the real integration in your practice that is ideal and necessary for the insurmountable benefits it provides.

An impeccable performance from an AI-powered application like with Dragon Medical Virtual Assistant is nothing compared to a natural person’s skill and experience-based performance. Humans are more productive, better for your customers, and better at driving sales up for your clinic. Humans are more well-rounded and are better at increasing your clinic’s overall productivity and efficiency.

That being said, you are free to make use of documentation software. It has its uses, and it’s good at meeting its function. However, do not get one and expect it to be a natural replacement for a human VA. It has a long way to go before getting close to what a real, trained, and experienced VA does.

If you want better financial outcomes for your investment, talk to VMeDx today, and we’ll tell you how the services of a virtual medical assistant can be genuinely beneficial for you.


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