Remote Medical Scribe Unleashed: Healthcare Edge

Overwhelmed with paperwork as a medical professional? Switch to VMeDx’s remote medical scribe service and refocus on your patients, leaving documentation behind.

Live Scribing

Because your time is important.

No more late nights caught up in paperwork! With their real-time documentation support, you won’t need to worry about spending extra time catching up on notes after clinic hours. Scribes are trained to document patient encounters accurately and efficiently. Their meticulous approach to documentation ensures that you have well-organized, up-to-date, and easily accessible records. 

So don’t let your unfinished notes hold you back, because we got your back.


What Our Clients Say About Our Remote Medical Scribe

Our Satisfied Clients: Happy. Thrilled. Delighted.

Dr. Ronald Espinoza

Cosmetic, Plastic Surgeon – New York

Your work-life balance hack

a female-VA-working-and-holding-a-cup

Imagine having more time for the things you love – spending quality moments with loved ones, exploring new hobbies, or simply relaxing. With a dedicated virtual scribe by your side, this becomes a reality! Say goodbye to the overwhelming burden of paperwork and hello to more freedom.From note-taking and documentation to organizing your schedule, your scribe has got it all covered.

remote medical scribe

Let’s face it: you’ve got better things to do!

Say goodbye to the never-ending stack of forms, reports, and unfinished patient notes. Off-loading administrative tasks to a remote medical scribe allows you to boost your productivity, build stronger relationships, and provide top-notch patient care. See more patients, increase your revenue, and grow your practice without sacrificing your most important resource- Time.


Ditch the burnout… (and keep your sanity)

Ever wondered how some doctors seem to have it all together? The secret lies in their productivity advantage–a dedicated scribe. Our scribes excel at handling the nitty-gritty details of documentation while allowing you to channel your energy into strategic decision-making and meaningful endeavors with your patient.When you hire a scribe, you gain more than just administrative support; you gain peace of mind.


Frequently asked questions

Find quick answers to common questions using our helpful FAQs.

What kinds of tasks can a VMeDx's Remote Medical Scribe handle in a healthcare office?

Experience the epitome of efficiency with our Remote Medical Scribes, who deftly handle real-time updates to Electronic Medical Records and meticulously complete medical charts. Our service guarantees a secure and private connection for your patients, adhering strictly to HIPAA compliance. Beyond their professional capabilities, our scribes can also provide assistance with personal matters should you require them. With us, you get more than a service; you receive a partnership committed to your success.

Can your Medical Virtual Scribes work in any type of medical or healthcare practice?

Indeed, our Virtual Medical Scribes are adept at seamlessly integrating into practices of all magnitudes and disciplines. Their versatility ensures that no matter the size or specialty of your practice, they will enhance your operations with unparalleled efficiency and proficiency.

What training do your Medical Virtual Scribes have?

Our Medical Virtual Scribes are meticulously trained under a rigorous program designed by our company’s founder. This program imparts in-depth knowledge of EHR/EMR systems, HIPAA regulations, security protocols, and best practices for remote work, supplementing their existing healthcare training and experience. While most of our Remote Medical Scribes are Registered Nurses, some hold degrees in other healthcare-related fields.

Just like any new team member with a solid professional background, your Remote Medical Scribe will require specific training on the unique workflow of your office. This ensures they can seamlessly integrate into your practice, enhancing efficiency and productivity. With us, you gain more than just an assistant; you acquire a dedicated partner committed to your practice’s growth and success.

How will hiring our Virtual Medical Scribes improve my bottom line?

Imagine slashing your expenses by up to 70%, when you consider the costs of minimum wage, payroll taxes, and office space. That’s the financial advantage of our flat fee structure at VMeDx, compared to the expense of an in-house employee. Moreover, partnering with our Virtual Medical Scribes eliminates the significant legal risks often associated with hiring an in-house employee in certain jurisdictions.

Further enhancing your practice’s efficiency, our virtual medical or dental receptionists ensure that potential patients never resort to another provider due to unanswered calls. The additional benefit of our scribe/translation service allows doctors to see more patients per day, as they save valuable time otherwise spent updating EHR/EMR systems. With VMeDx, you’re not just optimizing your practice, you’re revolutionizing it.

What about HIPAA compliance and PHI security?

Our Virtual Medical Scribes are not only well-versed in HIPAA regulations but also hold HIPAA certifications. During the onboarding process, we ensure that their computer hardware and anti-virus software meet our stringent standards. We recommend our clients to have their Medical Virtual Scribes sign Business Associate Agreements for added assurance. As our organization doesn’t have access to Patient Health Information, we are exempt from signing a BAA.

Our team of Virtual Medical Scribes is based in the Philippines, a country renowned for its contribution to the global workforce, particularly for U.S. healthcare companies. The exception is our Spanish-speaking virtual assistants who are stationed in South America and can be availed upon request. The Philippine economy heavily relies on U.S. companies, making them a major employer in the region. To foster a secure business environment, the Philippine government has implemented stringent laws against the disclosure of confidential information.

In 2012, they introduced the Data Privacy Act, a comprehensive law mirroring the HIPAA statute in the United States. This Act provides extensive protection to U.S. firms employing Filipino labor and imposes severe penalties on those who intentionally disclose Patient Health Information of U.S. entities.

For a deeper understanding of the Data Privacy Act of 2012, please visit the provided link. Rest assured, when you partner with us, you’re choosing a team that values privacy, security, and professionalism as much as you do.

Do the VAs really have exceptionally low rates? How do I pay for my Virtual Medical Scribe?

Absolutely, the pricing for our Virtual Medical Scribe services is not only affordable but also comprehensive. With VMeDx, what you see is what you pay – no setup fees or hidden costs lie in wait. The rate for your Remote Medical Scribe remains consistent, regardless of the tasks undertaken, ensuring transparency and predictability in budgeting.

Our billing cycle is bi-monthly, reflecting the services delivered in the preceding two weeks. For your convenience, we keep your credit card details on file for seamless billing. With VMeDx, you’re investing in cost-effective, hassle-free, and high-quality medical scribing services that cater to your every need.

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