Boost Care Quality: 24/7 Remote Patient Monitoring

Tired of juggling patient care and administrative burdens? VMeDx’s Remote Patient Monitoring streamlines your practice, offering 24/7 support to reduce stress and enhance patient outcomes.


Growth Unbound

Be Undaunted

More patients more burnout? It shouldn’t be. Growth Get help in making sure there’s coordination with patients on a regular basis; providing support and education, and handle routine monitoring tasks and organization of data. This would allow you to free up your time and focus more on complex and significant matters that focuses on your business growth.


What Our Clients Say About Us

Our Satisfied Clients: Happy. Thrilled. Delighted.

Dr. Ronald Espinoza

Cosmetic, Plastic Surgeon – New York

Uninterrupted Vigilant Care

 24/7 Monitoring Made Possible

With a VA dedicated to remote patient monitoring, healthcare providers can ensure round-the-clock surveillance of patients’ health conditions. This can lead to timely interventions and preventing emergency situations. A Virtual Medical Assistant lets you monitor remote transmissions from several device manufacturers and improve the overall efficiency of your business.

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Medical Data Management


Patient Communication


Technical Proficiency

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Happy Customers

Virtual Assistants

Tasks Done

Admin Team

Remote Patient Monitoring Flexibility

Healthcare shouldn’t be confined to fixed timings. With the flexibility of a VA, you can manage multiple patients without compromising quality care. This enables you to provide continuity of service ensuring every patient receives the attention they deserve.



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Seamless, Adaptable Patient Management

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Frequently asked questions

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How would a virtual Remote Patient Monitor assistant work in my office?

Imagine having an assistant who seamlessly integrates with your team, as if they were right next door, yet operates from any corner of the globe. That’s the efficiency and flexibility that our virtual remote patient monitoring assistants bring to your practice. Utilizing secure remote access software, they effortlessly connect to your office’s computer network, phone system, and scheduling software, ensuring a smooth flow of communication and operations.

Their role includes maintaining real-time dialogue with your doctors and staff on patient progress, keeping EHRs meticulously updated, and documenting interactions with other healthcare providers. This virtual integration leads to tangible improvements in your practice’s productivity and patient care.

The beauty of our service lies in its adaptability. The working hours of your remote patient monitoring virtual assistant are entirely at your discretion. Whether you prefer them during office hours or require overnight coverage, we’ve got you covered. After all, patient monitoring is a round-the-clock responsibility, and our VMeDx’s patient monitoring virtual assistants are ready to rise to the challenge, anytime you need them. With VMeDx, your practice never sleeps.

Benefits of hiring virtual patient monitoring services

Embrace significant cost savings – Our RPM virtual assistants offer the same exceptional service at about one-third of the cost of an in-house employee in the United States.

Access world-class talent – At VMeDx, we’ve curated a pool of highly qualified virtual remote patient monitoring assistants from across the globe. With us, geographical boundaries are no longer a constraint in accessing top-notch talent.

Prevent staff burnout – By delegating remote patient monitoring to our virtual assistants, the workload of your doctors and staff can be significantly reduced, leading to lower stress levels and improved job satisfaction.

Enable seamless scaling – If expanding your practice has been on hold due to staffing concerns, our virtual RPM assistants are your solution. They’re not only cost-effective but also ready to start immediately, facilitating your leap to the next level without the burden of additional in-house personnel.

Prioritize high-value tasks – With our virtual assistant managing remote patient monitoring and associated administrative tasks, your staff and doctors can refocus their energies on what truly matters – delivering personalized, professional care to your patients.

With VMeDx, you’re choosing a partner that offers affordability, quality, and flexibility, empowering your practice to reach new heights.

How much does patient remote monitoring cost?

Physicians across the globe are embracing remote staffing, with its transformative cost savings becoming a lifeline, particularly for smaller practices.

Consider this: the average annual salary for an in-house medical assistant stands at approximately $14 per hour, translating to $30,000 per year. In stark contrast, a virtual remote patient monitoring assistant from VMeDx is available at a mere $10 an hour. This equates to an annual saving of over $10,000 when you opt for a full-time remote employee – a significant financial advantage.

But the benefits don’t stop at payroll savings. Hiring in-house employees involves additional costs that extend beyond their salary. Typically, you can anticipate expenses amounting to 1.25 to 1.5 times the employee’s salary to accommodate benefits such as health and dental insurance, paid leave, holiday pay, sick days, and workers’ compensation insurance. To put it into perspective, an in-house employee earning $40,000 annually effectively costs your practice between $50,000 – $60,000 each year once these benefits are accounted for.

In contrast, with an RPM virtual assistant from VMeDx, all these costs are comprehensively included in the $10 hourly rate. This makes it not only a cost-effective solution but also simplifies budgeting, adding another layer of convenience.

With VMeDx, you’re not just hiring an assistant; you’re investing in a cost-efficient, high-quality service that dramatically enhances your practice’s operational efficiency.

You’ll work with the same RPM virtual employee every day

Navigating the digital workspace doesn’t mean sacrificing the personal touch of traditional office interactions. When you choose a remote patient monitoring virtual assistant from VMeDx, consistency and familiarity are part of the package. You’ll be working with the same dedicated individual every day, much like your in-house team members, fostering a relationship akin to having them right there in your office.

Open lines of communication are key to our service. You can connect with your RPM virtual assistant as frequently as you wish through phone calls, video calls, chat, and email. Whether it’s a routine morning meeting or spontaneous check-ins throughout the day, you have the freedom to shape your interaction style.

As you engage with your RPM remote employee, you’ll cultivate a relationship based on trust and reliability, just as you would with an in-house staff member. With VMeDx, you’re not just hiring a virtual assistant; you’re welcoming a new member into your professional family.

What if my virtual patient monitoring assistant doesn’t work out?

At VMeDx, we prioritize your satisfaction and operational efficiency. If you find your remote patient monitoring employee’s performance unsatisfactory for any reason, we assure immediate replacement without any delays.

One significant advantage of collaborating with remote employees over in-house staff lies in the flexibility it offers. In numerous states across the United States, labor laws often pose challenges when it comes to dismissing underperforming team members. It can demand hours of meticulous documentation and painstaking procedures to terminate an employee without the risk of legal repercussions.

However, our virtual assistants operate outside the U.S jurisdiction, freeing them from the constraints of U.S labor laws. This gives you the liberty to hire and let go as per your requirements, eliminating unnecessary headaches and maintaining a smooth workflow.

With VMeDx, you gain more than just a service; you acquire a hassle-free, flexible working environment that is committed to meeting your standards of excellence.

Virtual patient monitoring assistants can help you grow your practice

Do visions of expanding your practice and opening new office locations dance in your head? Do you aspire to welcome more patients, thereby boosting your revenue? Often, the financial burden and logistical challenges associated with hiring new employees can put a damper on these dreams for physicians. However, with MedVa, these dreams are no longer out of reach.

At an economical rate of just $10 per hour, our virtual RPM assistants offer an affordable and efficient solution. They’re readily available and easy to onboard, serving as the perfect catalyst for your growth plans. With VMeDx, you can scale up your practice at your pace, without having to worry about the typical hurdles of expansion.

Embrace the opportunity to grow and thrive with VMeDx, where we turn your ambitions into reality.

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