General Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our Virtual Medical Assistant FAQ for answers to common queries, and if you need further assistance, feel free to reach out – we’re here to help with your healthcare needs.

Where do your Virtual Assistants come from?

Our Virtual Assistants (VAs) are sourced from the Philippines, a country known for its pool of highly skilled professionals. They have specialized backgrounds in the medical and US healthcare industries, which allows them to provide expert support tailored to your specific needs.

Experience expert healthcare support now!

Do US employment laws apply to virtual assistants?

No. US employment laws generally do not apply to our virtual assistants (VAs) who are hired as independent contractors based in the Philippines. To ensure compliance with local regulations, we register our virtual assistants in the Philippines, allowing us to provide them with benefits such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and adhere to the relevant employment laws of the Philippines.

Hire compliant, benefit-rich VAs now!

Are the VAs HIPAA trained? How do you ensure privacy & security since they are working from home?

Yes, our virtual assistants (VAs) undergo rigorous HIPAA training to ensure they are well-versed in handling sensitive medical information. To ensure privacy and security when working from home, we enforce strict remote work protocols, utilize secure communication tools, and conduct regular security audits, all in line with HIPAA regulations. Please click here to learn more.

Learn More About VMeDx HIPAA Compliant VAs Here!

How do I know if my VA is actually working?

To ensure your VA is actively working on your tasks, we provide several mechanisms:

  1. Regular updates: Your VA will provide you with regular progress updates, status reports, and completed tasks to keep you informed.
  2. Time-Tracking tools: We utilize time-tracking software to monitor hours worked, ensuring accuracy and transparency.
  3. Communication channels: You can stay in touch with your VA through our communication platform allowing you to check in and discuss ongoing work.

Want Complete Transparency with Your VA?
Dive into our tools and stay informed every step of the way!

What happens if my VA is sick and cannot come to work?

If your VA is sick and unable to work, we treat it similarly to any other staff absence. While we understand your concern for privacy and HIPAA compliance, we do not provide immediate backup replacements due to these reasons. However, if the absence is expected to be longer than two weeks, we can start the process of finding you additional qualified candidates for a potential replacement, ensuring continuity of service while maintaining compliance with HIPAA regulations.

Unexpected VA Absence?
Trust in our commitment to continuity, compliance, and finding you the right solution.

Are there any hidden fees?

No, there are no hidden fees for our VA services. We believe in transparent pricing, and the costs associated with our services are clearly communicated upfront.

No Secrets, Just Honest Rates!  ➤

What happens if this isn’t working out? Can I cancel or change my VA?

Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel our services at any time or request a change of VA if the current VA isn’t meeting your needs. Simply inform us of your decision, and we’ll assist you in making the necessary adjustments.

Flexibility First: Change or Cancel Anytime!  ➤

Our Address
101 Bear Track Drive, Nashville, TN, 37221

Phone: +1 615 569 1053
Mail: [email protected]

If you can’t find the answers you need above, just drop us a message using the form, and we’ll get back to you within a day.