Love Your Patients and Yourself More: Enhance Care with a Virtual Health Receptionist

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Virtual Health Receptionist

If you’ve been thinking about going on a vacation but don’t have the time, it’s time to think again because a virtual health receptionist is here to help.

What is a Virtual Medical Receptionist?

A Virtual Medical Receptionist belongs to a big family called Virtual Medical Assistants. And, if you have yet to hear about them, then now’s the time to get up to speed.

You might wonder what these virtual assistants can do for you and your practice. They can help you automate most of your daily tasks so that YOU don’t have to do them yourself and can solely focus all your time and love on your practice and, of course, your dear patients. Yay. That also means more time for yourself and your vacation.

Why should you spread the love with a Virtual Medical Receptionist in your Medical Practice?

2 doctors holding a heart shaped stuffed pillow showing love for their virtual health receptionist

What resource is equally valuable or possibly more valuable than money? The answer is TIME. We only have 24 hours a day, and so do our patients. How can we save our precious time? Well, by hiring additional staff who are trained to assist a medical office with their specific needs.

In-house staff vs. remote staff: Embracing New Affections.

If you already have a receptionist operating your front desk and think, “I already have a real person operating my reception desk; do I have any use for someone working from a remote location?” The answer is yes.

If you’d like to delve deeper into this, some neat people at Time Doctor have developed approaches to help you weigh the pros and cons of onshore and offshore staff.

remote-vs-in-houseSome tasks that an in-house receptionist and a virtual medical receptionist have in common are answering phone calls, getting patient information, scheduling appointments, assisting new patients, and doing different administrative tasks.

Compared to a traditional receptionist, though, since virtual assistants are home-based, they usually have a more flexible schedule for you to work with.

Saving Health while Saving Wealth: How Medical Receptionists can save the day.

While you’d need to make an initial investment to set up your virtual medical receptionist so they can handle incoming calls and do certain tasks remotely, you’ll see that this decision will benefit you in the long run. It’s just like meeting new acquaintances; it would take a while to get to know them and see how well you can get along.

Why can I say this with confidence? Well, it’s because most candidates aspiring to become medical virtual assistants belong to or have experience in the healthcare industry. You’ll see that they can handle more than just administrative tasks, incoming calls, and outgoing calls.

doctor consulting in video call for telehealth service advisory and virtual help or supportThese virtual assistants can also perform prescription refills, do medical scribing, confirm appointments, and many other tasks related to medical care. Plus, they are HIPAA-compliant, too.

Lastly, they cost less. If those facts aren’t enough to win your affection, then the next parts of this article will likely be.

Green flags to look out for when searching for a Virtual Medical receptionist.

Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills

This can be a green flag if your main goal is to automate things in your medical office as much as possible. A virtual medical receptionist who can be trained to analyze and make decisions accordingly based on your instructions will greatly improve your practice.

It’s like having an answering service that can communicate with a patient like you but is more flexible because they can adjust to any situation.

Team Collaboration with Medical Virtual Receptionists

Like in relationships, proper communication is key to a harmonious partnership, which you deserve. Virtual medical receptionists can offer this thanks to their experience. Less training is required, and many practices you can use them for since they know the jargon you also know and more patient-oriented care.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Having someone at your front desk who can help alleviate an irate patient will be great for keeping the peace in your medical office.

hipaa privacy rule hipaa complianceHIPAA Compliance

Data privacy is an issue you won’t have to worry about with a trained virtual medical receptionist. They’ll keep all of your and your patients’ secrets safe. Wow, talk about the level of intimacy they can offer.

Smooth Organizational Skills

Keep your records in order and your connections stronger with a virtual medical receptionist service. Cut processing times into half and enhance patient experience and the quality of patient care in your medical practice.

Medical Expertise

This is the main advantage that a medical receptionist has over an actual receptionist. Practices rely on their receptionist service to set up appointments, manage their schedule, answer their phone, and reply to their messages. Someone with a medical background can add more value to this service by performing a more in-depth intake process.

Also, with their added medical knowledge, they can help report issues if any arise so that your practice can provide prompt responses and better services.

Empathy and Compassion

Another advantage that a virtual medical receptionist has is the ability to empathize with a patient, having been trained in the healthcare industry. They’re more adept at making patients feel understood and cared for, boosting their moods and the level of service you can provide in your medical office.

Virtual Medical Receptionists Adaptability

This is a good trait to look for in a virtual medical assistant or any remote worker in general. A medical practice has many things going on, and priorities are constantly changing. Their job requires them to handle multiple daily calls while providing quality services to patients, ensuring each interaction is handled with care and efficiency.

Medical Virtual Receptionists Time Management Skills

Things can easily get messy in the office when someone is expected to answer incoming calls and messages, contact and schedule patients, and organize paperwork simultaneously. That is why you and your practice will benefit from having a full-time receptionist who prioritizes certain tasks.

Virtual Receptionists Telehealth Technical Skills

If you’re offering in your medical office for virtual receptionists services, then this is a field where you can best utilize your virtual receptionists. Since the recent pandemic, people have discovered that you don’t always have to go out of your house anymore since the power of the internet is amazing.

With telehealth, you can offer your virtual receptionist service to more patients at only a fraction of the original costs. You’ll need an answering service and a virtual receptionist to receive those calls, schedule appointments, and contact a patient if needed.

Meeting the Virtual Receptionist of your dreams

Like everybody else, we also long to find THE one. The next question. Where? Accessing the global workforce will give you a long list of options, and you’ll have a harder time deciding where you should start looking for a reliable virtual receptionist. Luckily, this article can tell you about some of the best countries to hire virtual medical receptionists from.

A Virtual Health Receptionist for a Medical Office with Unmatched Care

Hiring the right receptionist for the job is a crucial process, and each has its pros and cons. Ultimately, the top priority is to find the most cost-effective people who can resonate with you and be on the same level of professionalism as you. Here are a few things to consider if you still need help deciding where to begin or if hiring a virtual receptionist is right.

First things first: figure out what you shouldn’t be doing.

Remember, this is YOUR practice; a patient comes in to see YOU, and YOU should be seeing every patient, not worrying about booking appointments, gathering patient data, managing your answering service, answering and making phone calls, managing your emails, organizing your medical office, doing various administrative tasks, and so on.

Remember, anyone can do those tasks, giving you more reasons why you should outsource them. It’s nice to be in control of everything, but if you want to grow and upscale your practice, you should focus on the things that will bring you more patience and, if possible, joy.

Patients are your priority, but remember to be happy, okay?

Second: If you can automate, don’t hesitate.

Meeting the Virtual Receptionist of your dreams

If you have yet to hear which administrative tasks can be automated, you must check these awesome tips immediately. Now, imagine how much time you can save with this trick.

Next, add virtual medical receptionists to the equation. That should be around 20 hours a week.

Let’s remember that healthcare providers are living, breathing human beings as well, and if they can help save lives, they deserve people who can help save their time, too.

Third: More time for you, less burnout for everyone.

Imagine being able to streamline almost all the processes in your practice. That’ll allow you to provide services to many patients, entertain more calls, provide a better patient experience, and, most importantly, significantly reduce the time it takes to get everything done.

See all the benefits you can gain by investing in a virtual receptionist.

Contact VmeDx and fall in love with a Medical Virtual Receptionist today!

If you want to avoid going through the vetting process’s troubles, we can assist you with that! We have a team of passionate virtual medical receptionists eager to meet you. Make a match with them now before someone else snatches them away. They might be the key to your happy ever after.


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